Monday 8 August 2016




Made from a premium selection of 51 different herbs and prepared through 27 secret methods.

  • Show Body Essence raises metabolism by 3-5 times and reduces the body's fat storage.
  • Applying on the targeted areas quickly breaks down fat and allows the body to cleanse it naturally.
  • Used extenerlly for achieving a slimmer physique.

Malaysia - Sarawak - Brunei Latoja Authorized Agent

Wechat :sweetzmoment_2013

Friday 29 July 2016


一说到婴儿般皮肤或者是想要无痘印,无斑点的脸蛋,大家都会想到涵曦婴儿镇,同时它也是广大爱美性的首选。  我们都知道它在面部护肤方面有着显著的功效,那么为什么大家选这它呢?  今天就带着大家来看一下。
1        1。 独特的功效
       LATOJA 涵曦婴儿镇的主要功效有以下几个方面
ü  给肌肤补水
ü  帮助肌肤保湿
ü  提高肌肤的亮度
ü  帮助皮肤排毒
ü  促进受损肌肤的修复和再生
ü  脸部去痘印和淡化色斑。
ü  帮助皮肤达到婴儿般的水嫩效果

       2。 产品优势
ü  与市场的同类其他产品相比较,该产品的优势是价位适中
ü  该产品在脸部护理方面效果立竿见影,完全能够经得起市场的考证
ü  突出表现在三次被邀上美丽俏佳人节目,完全可以解决没一位客户的售后之忧
ü  最重要的是它的原料全部都是进口的,足以能够保证原材料是最好的
ü  产品都已经过了药监局进行备案,极大地保证了它的安全性
ü  新品婴儿镇套盒正在进行美国FDA和欧盟权威机构的检测认证

Malaysia - Sarawak - Brunei Latoja Authorized Agent

Wechat :sweetzmoment_2013

Thursday 28 July 2016


By spending 15 minutes daily, you can instantly see the excessive body fat dissolving effects through the skin pores.   The more fats you are breaking down inside your body, the leaner your body shape will be.   Just apply it on the area where you want to get leaner.

1. It can be quickly absorbed into deep-seated adipose tissue, conducting fast and efficient decomposition, and burn stubborn stored body fat.

2. Together with massaging at the applied area, it also helps to promote blood circulation, getting rid of excess moisture and toxins in body.

3. It is effective in removing stretch marks.   The result is obvious in women who have used it after their pregnancy.

Testimonial from satisfied customer have commented that they are able to notice the slimming effect just after 1 - 2 applications.

WHY WAIT??? Lets get started to have your slimmer body with the safe product!!


Malaysia - Sarawak - Brunei Latoja Authorized Agent

Wechat :sweetzmoment_2013

Thursday 14 July 2016


Here are some great an amazing range of lemon benefits:

Clarifying Moisturizer
Mix a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon juice.   The coconut will hydrate your skin, and lemon will clear and brighten it.

Elbow and Knee Bleacher
If your elbows and knees appear dark, simply rub them with half of a lemon, " says Patrice Coleman, owner of DaBlot Beauty." It's like magic ! ^_^

Blackhead Treatment
It may sound too good to be true! @o@
Lemons are antibacterial, they can help treat acne.   Just slice a lemon, and squeeze the juice on your face.   Your blackheads will start to fade before you know it.

Cleansing Wipes
I like to mix a couple drops of lemon and tea tree essential oil in about 6 ounces of distilled water.   I recommend it as a toner or for use with cotton pads as a cleansing wipe for problematic skin.

Teeth Whitener
The cheaper way without dentist and your teeth can become more whiter?!
Mix baking soda and lemon juice, and apply it to your teeth with a clean Q-tip.   Then scrub your teeth with your toothbrush and rinse.

Canker Sore Treatment
Use a few drops of the lemon essential oil on canker sores to help them heal faster.

Skin Brightener
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and Citric Acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time.   Vitamin C is a great Antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production.   That means it can help lighten age spots, dark spots, and a fake tan gone wrong.  
**REMEMBER to wear SPF when using Lemon Juice on your skin, though since the citrus fruit can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.

Shine Eliminator
Lemon is great for reducing excess oil.

Lip Exfoliator
Put a little lemon juice on your lips before bedtime and wash it off in the morning to help remove dead skin cells and dried skin.
**Do not try this if you have severely chapped lips that have any cuts!!

Nail Strengthener
Have you been getting too many gel manicures?
Make a mixture of your favourite cooking oil ( olive oil ) with lemon juice and soak your nails.   This is a good practice if your nails are dry and brittle, but it's also a great way to help fix nails that have yellowed.

Hair Lightener
Score dye-free DIY highlights with lemon juice.   Apply it before you expose your hair to sunlight to score a sun-kissed colour.   The lemon juice can also help treat a dry scalp and dandruff, so apply it liberally.

Malaysia - Sarawak - Brunei Latoja Authorized Agent

Wechat :sweetzmoment_2013

Monday 11 July 2016

LATOJA 婴儿镇-使用方法

Malaysia - Sarawak - Brunei Latoja Authorized Agent

Wechat :sweetzmoment_2013


LATOJA SLIMMING GREAM is the TOP-LEVEL US patent fat soluble pigment, it can metabolize fat, eliminate edema.   Meanwhile Latoja Slimming Cream is the United State Developed Nanotechnology, allows small molecules deep into the skin effect, to burn fat, rapid weight loss effect and removal of aging skin, whitening moisturizing.   There is also added Chinese medicine can relieve menstrual pain. warm womb and others health effects.   Just apply on which part you need to slim down.   Our Top-Level US patent fat soluble pigment did not added any hormones, do not rebound.

The achieves of Latoja Slimming Cream :  Whitening emollient firming detox slimming obesity pattern remove stretch mark and etc.

Suitable for : 
  • Postpartum
  • Lactation
  • Prepare pregnant
  • Beer / pot belly
  • Stubborn obesity
  • Local obesity

Malaysia - Sarawak - Brunei Latoja Authorized Agent

Wechat :sweetzmoment_2013

Thursday 7 July 2016



There is some news leak out some seller selling of FAKE product!!
Latoja is high demand in market now.. so we can't really control the production outside which also want to imitate Latoja!!
  • Would not sell more than retail price of RM208
  • Always welcome anyone who wish to join as agent
  • Retail price & Agent price there is a different
  • Beside using product you can earn money
All my latoja user, you will know the effective of the products is.   Now, there is a chance for you to instead buy another set with retail price.   Why not get an agent price with any 4 products to start off!

If want to know more about LATOJA products can wechat for inquiries !!

Malaysia - Sarawak - Brunei Latoja Authorized Agent

Wechat :sweetzmoment_2013